a website for "Professions in Writing Arts"
Are you satisfied with your current projects, or are you feeling unchallenged?
I'm not satisfied, but it's not that I'm unchallenged. I'm currently working on two projects, concurrently, and while one is going well, the other is suffering due to lack of time, and, if anything, proving to be quite a challenge. Unfortunately, it's this troublesome project that is the one that means the most to me.

Honestly, though, I probably just need to shut myself up in the arguably haunted fourth floor of the apartment my boyfriend lives in for a night to get the second project going again. The benefits of being passionate about horror is there are plenty of weird places I can lock myself in to write.

Where do you see yourself a year or two from now?
I honestly can't tell you where I'll be two weeks from now, much less two years. I'm not much of a long-term planner, beyond being so financially, and I'm from a family that encourages doing things on whims because it's better to regret not doing things. I am applying for an internship at a literary agency, however, and I know they hire from their intern pool, so if I'm there that would be pretty awesome.

What are your long-term career goals?
Write more. Be a literary agent. Be a lady Stephen King, if possible.

Which books, articles and blogs will help you branch into new territory?
Honestly, beyond what's required for class, I tend to only read about and keep up with the business side of writing. I don't really enjoy following blogs, although I keep one. If I read a blog article, it's because someone linked it on twitter. Truthfully, unless I'm working on something, I don't even really like being online or on the computer--if anything, the things that help me write are wandering around places in real life, not in cyberspace.

Who do you know who may be able to offer you advice on making a transition?
I'm friends with a few professors (both who I've had, and who I simply know because I'm in my mid-twenties and a lot of my friends became professors).  I've made a few connections off Twitter, and through the works I've published under a pen name.

This is weirdly  vague, but I'm not on naming names.

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