a website for "Professions in Writing Arts"
This is a topic I'm kind of weird about talking about right now, so I'll probably rewrite this entry later. I know that's not much of an excuse, but this + my past entry are being heavily colored by a project for another class that left me very, very uncomfortable with talking about writing. I'll get over it! Just need a few days to sort my thoughts! This has been an excuse.

This time last year I would have told you with one-hundred percent certainty I was going to grad school, at Rowan if possible, but things change, and unlike a lot of people, I was raised with the idea that "school will always be there." It's the sort of thing I need to give some background on: After high school I went to Europe. After community college I worked at a special education preschool, did freelance graphic design, made clothing for wrestlers, and worked another job that I loved like crazy (but can't mention online). When I first came to Rowan, however, I was trying very hard to be someone different than that. In some ways, I felt a little guilty that I was going to college while my then-long term boyfriend worked a "real job," all my friends worked "real jobs," and I felt like I was getting left behind. I wanted to get everything done--college, grad school, the whole thing.

When things fell apart with all that, at the beginning of last semester, I tried to keep it up, but then I realized that I really was not being left behind. I've always tended to do things differently, and right now my focus, outside of school, is working on making livable money writing romance again, working on a horror novel, and looking into moving once the semester is over. I love Rowan, but I'm more interested in a change of scenery than a graduate degree. I have no doubt I will go for an MA eventually, but I don't want it to be right after getting my BA, that's all.

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