a website for "Professions in Writing Arts"
To start off the discussion: Purely out of curiosity, how much money do you think you'll make when publishing a book? A short story? What do you think the royalty percentages are?

Self publishing has a history of being considered the last bastion of poor writers, something that has been quickly changing in the past years--even the article we read Bypass Obstacles to Traditional Publication is fairly out of date, ignoring the options of ebook publishing. What are your preconceived notions or ideas about self-publishing? Is it something you would ever consider?

Was there anything about the publishing industry you found surprising while reading the articles?

We heard, in many of the readings, about various writer's successes and failures (publications and rejections): I feel it would be interesting to briefly open the floor to see if anyone in-class has any rejection/acceptance stories.
9/9/2013 08:39:51 am

Great questions, Elle. Thanks for posting them so early! :)


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